Session 1: Restructure your pattern

Do you wake up each morning feeling like your life, family and personal commitments are sitting on your chest like an elephant, leaving you gasping for your next breath? Do you end each day deflated and find yourself crying in your shower? This journey is right for you. During this 1st session we will slow down, look at how you view your life, understand where in your schedule your day starts to unravel, and see how balanced your work/life is. Through this process you will identify any patterns that may prohibit you from moving forward with the direction and purpose you crave.

Session 2: Interrogate your thoughts

Can feedback from your boss ruin your day? If your schedule gets shifted around, do you fall apart? This second session we’ll look at how you think about your capabilities, skills, and your ability to change and grow, by discovering where in your day you start to feel overwhelmed. You will go from gasping for air, or not knowing where to start, to knowing how to start to achieve the balance and direction needed to complete your day.

Session 3: Self-Care

Why do you think the stewards on an airplane say, “if oxygen masks release from the ceiling of the plane, put your mask on first”? It’s because if you don’t put yourself first, you won’t be capable of helping anyone else. During Session 3, you will learn that self-care is not a luxury but essential for building resilience towards finding balance in your life. During this session you will learn what you like/need to complete your day with direction and purpose.

Session 4: Get Energized

Imagine waking up, feeling energized to take on the day, knowing what you have planned is doable. Because of this, you linger in bed for a moment longer, mapping out what you want to do this summer.  Doesn’t this sound wonderful?

You’ve done it!  We are near the end of your Rise Journey. Knowing stress will never fully exit your life, you’ve taken the time to understand where in your day/life stress spirals your day out of control. During Step 4 we will review the tools you have learned to use and ensure you know how to use them so you can realistically plan for stress and can avoid unnecessary days that you feel you can’t breathe.